In the Web era, designers create narrative spaces made up of text, images, video, etc. We add context and legibility to those formats. We also create spaces where people express themselves.
Tracing the analog ego through the digital ID of the android, there is something of the Burgess A Clockwork Orange in the dialect set to a Burroughs cut-up machine. Its stilted and staccato phrasings that take on an order despite their (apparent) attempt at cacophony (a chaosmos).
Wanted to take a moment to announce my latest publication, iu, from mIEKAL aND's superb Xexoxial imprint. Head to the Xexoxial site to pick up a copy of your own.

What we have here are digital talismanic suggestions.
About Me
About Me
Visual poet. Author of I discover i is an android (Trainwreck Press, 2008), writ10 (VUGG Books, 2008), and, in collaboration with Matina Stamatakis, Xenophoria (Wheelhouse,2009). Contributed visual and textual poems, as well as layout design, to [+!], a book by Matina Stamatakis and Kane X. Faucher. Co-edits the visual poetry journal The Bleed and the press, Avantexte.
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